2024 Year in Review
EJFD responded to 584 calls in the calendar year 2024. That breaks out to 394 Calls for the Fire Department and 190 calls for the First Response.
We provided mutual aid 110 times to the communities listed below.
- 84 to Essex
- 14 to Williston
- 4 to the Airport
- 3 to Colchester
- 2 to Winooski
- 1 to Underhill
We received mutual aid 24 times.
- 11 of these are automatic mutual aid due to call type (Essex Fire)
- 13 of these were due to calls being elevated or needing a more significant number of resources. (17 - Essex Fire, 3- Williston Fire, and 2 - St. Michael's Fire and Rescue.)
Additionally, our volunteers completed just over 2100 hours of training and 1660 hours of Community Service events.
Our roster stands at 39 members, 6 of whom joined in 2024. We continue to see turnover in trained members, with housing affordability and career change being the two most significant causes of loss. Thank you to the City Council and the community for supporting the implementation of paid training. We hope the financial incentive will continue to assist our members in staying in our City. Nothing is better for a Volunteer department than when a member buys a home in the community, as this almost always speaks to the longevity of a member.
A thorough breakdown of our calls can be found below.
100 - Fires - 29 Calls
- 10 Residential fires (2 Within the City)
- 12 Cooking Fires
- 3 Vehicle Fires
- 1 Road Freight Container Fire
- 1 Brush Fire
- 2 Rubbish fires (Burning Furniture, which is illegal)
200 - Chemical Reactions - 0 Calls
300 - Rescue/EMS - 270 Calls
- 190 First Response Calls (This supports Essex Rescue, the primary EMS agency in the City. We are toned only when Essex Rescue is already on a call and a second call comes into the city.)
- 45 Medical Assist (These include Lift assists, Unresponsive Patients, and CPR calls where the Fire Department as a whole was requested to the scene with Rescue)
- 28 Car Crashes with injury
- 6 Stalled Elevator Extractions
400 - HAZMAT - 44 Calls
- 1 Flammable Liquid Spills
- 12 Gas Leaks (NG or LPG)
- 4 Carbon Monoxide Leak
- 5 Electrical/Equipment problems.
- 5 Powerline Down
- 2 Aircraft Emergencies at BTV
- 13 Additional Car accidents that required debris and fluid cleanup but had no injuries.
- 1 attempted Arson call
- 1 Chemical Release Call that was determined to be Mace
500 - Service Calls - 39 Calls
- 10 Public service assistance
- 2 Water Leaks
- 6 Smoke or Odor removals
- 4 Assist Police
- 3 Elevator alarms, No occupants
- 6 Unauthorized Burn calls
- 8 Mutual Aid Station Coverage
600 - Good Intent - 73
- 43 Cancelled in Route
- 26 Good Intent Calls/ No issue Found
- 4 Odor of Smoke in the area
700 - False Alarms - 130
800 - Natural Disaster - 0
900 - Special Type of Incident - 2
