Ladder 3 Responds to Cambridge Structure Fire
On the morning of February 11th Car 9 and Ladder 3 responded with a crew to Cambridge for a structure fire.
Initial reports from dispatch is the fire was believed to be out but they were in need of a Ladder Truck.
Road conditions that morning made for a slow response and it took crews nearly 25 minutes to get on scene. Once on scene crews found a 2 story structure that had sustained significant fire damage and was still burning. Ladder 3's crew was assigned to cut the metal roof on the structure. Our crew went up and ventilated the roof. Command then requested if the roof could be removed and with the assistance of the Truck Chauffer and two Cambridge firefighters the whole roof was removed piece by piece.
Following this the ladders aerial master stream was used to assist in putting out the remaining hot spots. the building was declared unstable and all operations were exterior. After nearly and hour of flowing water crews moved to direct fire attack with hose line. Captain Smith with a crew of two Cambridge firefighters found and worked to extinguish remaining fire within a rear portion of the building. When it was clear that the fire was between an old roof deck and new roofing LT Gragg went to work and cleared the roof cutting all burning materials out of the roof and extinguishing the remaining fire. Our fire crew operated on the scene for 5.5 hours